
Friday, August 6, 2010

Antonym of Origin

LIFE is a choose your own ending novel ...look for one n read one. Play chess, play poker, THINK, Be completely broke and Pay attention !!!! Tell someone something u never told them! BE YOU! Don't be someone else!!!!!! Get a pet and realize that it can't talk but you can still COMMUNICATE! BOND!!! Get some kind of wasted n realize that there is NO TOXICITY that can change who you are and you will be INVINCIBLE! Realize that there is no such thing as DEATH!

FALL in LOVE when you're too young, fall in love when it's just bad TIMING, fall in love when it’s the right or the wrong person. I hope you fall in love when you realize or ACCEPT who you are …and who u are supposed to fall in love with…

I hope when you fall in love you realize that it’s your choice and not some magical OCCURENCE.

Accept every aspect of yourself…

Be an asshole n accept it.

Be a lover, a fighter, a complete wastse of time, a student, a teacher…accept it.

Be in therapy and on meds and accept that…and then…REJECT it…NOTHING can change you. DEAL WITH IT!

WONDER why someone can’t admit to you that they don’t need you…after you’ve already accepted the fact that they don’t need you. Then sit in SILENCE as they prove you right…

Stand up for someone and be their shield. Feel like you have done good…and when they leave you hanging…still feel good. Say HELLO just at the point someone hasn’t even realized they’ve waved you GOODBYE.

Watch someone PROFESS their expertise on a subject they know nothing about…Encourage the naivete and HOPE they turn out to be right just to prove you wrong…you freaking skeptic. When they prove you right…hope for a future chosen one that will finally end it all…at least in your MIND.

CRY! Feel silly… then LAUGH through the tears. Then THINK about what you would look like in someone elses eyes. EMBRACE being able to feel …then…DECIDE what you want to do with those feelings.

REGRET being emotional when your REJECTED. Be happy you walked it off. Realize when you are being self-destructive and ACCEPT THAT TOO…because it leads somewhere too.

The things that you OBSESS over stem from somewhere…DISCOVER those places.

JOURNEY through all the places that ENCOMPASS YOUR BEING…THEN…DO IT AGAIN in a different state of mind.

Life, Death, Beginning, Ending, Start, Finish, Alpha, Omega, Origin…